Is anybody here into Organizational Leaning?
I'm writing a short paper involving a discussion of the similarities between learning as psychologists view it, and organizational learning.
I hate to say this, but after having read Kim, Senge, Schein and Argyris I'm still in the blue as to what learning is in Organizational Learning.
Argyris talks about single- and double-loop learning, and uses a familiar thermostat metaphor: a thermostat set to 75 degrees shows single-loop learning. a thermostat which wonders why it's set to 75 degrees shows double-loop learning.
I fail to see where the learning is. really. where's the learning in quesioning basic assumptions?
where I come from, learning is defined as a relatively stable and long-lasting change in behavior. the organizaional learning people, however, seem to confuse "learning" with "acting", while using cognitive metaphors for acting.¨
would anybody care to discuss this? I'm confused, and consequently neither single, double, nor triple-loop learning.