A traditional accord has been that faith and science are separate domains; they rely on different standards of evidence and different forms of data. We have no information about ultimate causes or Prime Movers; studying evolution and self-organizing systems has not told us about the origins of such.
Readings ... look carefully at the lists given in other postings. Sagan & Druyan (Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors) is sketchy in places but still one of my favorites. Richard Leakey's book, "The Origin of Humankind" (Basic Books) draws a relatively coherent picture of our likely origins.
EO Wilson may give you culture shock, especially when you grasp the generality of his observations, a generality that transcends ants, bees,and all other creatures "great and small."
There's an immediate relevance to Evol Psych (and my addiction, Clinical Sociobiology)that says we are a part of nature, not its masters. Loren Eiseley's works, especially the "Immense Journey" are especially convincing.
You might also look for "Ishael" by Dan Quinn. The structure is a bit contrived but the lessons are important.
I think once you check some of the texts on my lists and talk to a few of us, you will be drawn to a highly beautiful, intricate view of life that you will apply in a wide range of settings, whether meadows or shopping malls. We are all seekers for our own truths; don't abandon your own path for one of ours. You must define your own in a manner consistent with your family heritage (see GrandDad postings)and your rearing.