Here are some interesting references I have found very useful in looking at EP and clinical matters:
1. Amini, et al (1996). Affect, attachment, memory: Contributions toward psychobiologic integration. Psychiatry. Vol 59, 213-239.
2. Freedman, D. Ethological studies of subjectivity: the intenral working model. (1995). ASCAP Newsletter, Vol B, 3-11.
3. Coe, M. (1995). Mental models: the flexible software of evolved behavioral systems. ASCAP Newsletter, Vol B, 3-6.
4. Stevens, A & Price, J. (1996). Evolutionary Psychiatry. Routledge Press.
5. Slavin, M.O., & Kriegman, D. (1992). The adaptive design of the human psyche: psychoanalysis, evolutionary biology, and the therapeutic process. Guilford Press.
6. Badcock, C. R. (1997)PsychoDarwinism: the new systhesis of Darwin and Freud. In C Crawford and D. Krebs (Eds.) Evolution and human behavior: ideas, issues, and applications. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
7. Nesse, R. & Lloyd, A. (1992). Intrapsychic processes. In J. Barkow, L. Cosmides, and J. Tooby (Eds.), The adapted mind. Oxford.
8. I would also add: John Bowlby's (1969)classic trilogy on attachment and loss.