To start, I'd like to commend you and everyone else who has contributed to this website. It's assuring to find others who see the world in much the same light as I do. Many are going to disagree with me here, but here it goes.... Why give up the cigarettes, Bill? Yeah, we all know that it is "quote bad for you", but is it really that bad? First, smoking increases one's metabolic rate, thus decreasing the likelihood of unsightly fat being deposited in aesthetically important areas of one's least in regards to the opposite sex's tastes. Have you ever noticed that, in general, many people who smoke are often thinner than those that do not (Of course there are exceptions here). In fact, a major reason why many people choose not to quit is simply because they do not want to put on more weight. Second, the proper intake of tobacco can actually increase one's mental sharpness. This is a documented fact. We just run into problems when we overdo it. Of course twenty-plus cigarettes a day, as we all know, is unhealthy. The same goes for twenty beers, or twenty Coke's, or twenty apples a day. To my knowledge there isn't hard scientific evidence regarding the Coke's and apples, but, then again, the earth was round long before scientists actually proved it. I agree 100% with your take on we humans' fear of the unknown, or "the dark", as you put it. Our instinctual reaction to anything that does not already lie in our brains' schema of how the universe works, is considered foreign, and should be oppressed or even eliminated, at least before it grows stronger. A little spin-off regarding the dogs: don't you think it's funny that we base a dogs' level of intelligence on how well (s)he can obey our commands? When a dog breaks free of it's chain or cage or what-have-you in an effort to explore and mark its territory, mate, etc., we scold it and punish it! Thems humans are tough cookies, and they's takin' over I tell ya. In closing, we are all gonna die sooner or later, so why not live it up? My personal belief is that smoking will not lower my value much in terms of reproduction (at least for now). Maybe it'll decrease my chances of mating with a personal trainer, where physical attributes are high, but increase my chances of clicking with an aerospace engineer who likes to smoke the occasional 'rette every now and then.