Thanks Shapiro. I like this work of yours published in 1996 Wolpe's journal. Could you please send me by snailmail a copy of this important paper. I can see that if I read it few times and sleep on it, my mind will come out with link between this work and mine. I already suspect that the link is directly and clearly there. We are perhaps converging to talk of the same phenomenon. Will you please send to me your paper. I do not subscribe to this journal anymore. Give me time to finally comment 'though. My fax: +60 9 7653370 Attention: DR. Ratan Singh (If you fax, mention on top: Attention: DR. Ratan Singh). Snailmail: DR. Ratan Singh, Assoc. Prof. Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry Dept., Medical School, University Science Malaysia, KB., Kelantan, 16150- Malaysia.