Jim, HiHo, As per usual Iam overwhelmed with your range of topics. I have decided to pick out one issue that you present and follow that thread for awhile. In your posting you talked about mania as a striving for dominence. I partially agree. Although I believe that hyperactivity, as in a child, is often targeted toward attention seeking (a form of dominence). However, I do not think true mania (as in episodic) is a striving for dominance. I do se mania as a result of repression . As such I do see it as having an evolutionary component but in a different way than you conceptualize evolutionary impact....................................................................Psychological repression, an attempt to repress or deny or avoid a tendancy or behavior that persists within the individual, can often lead to mania contingent upon the degree or intensity of said tendancy. Time is also a factor here (am I beginning to sound preoccupied?). Lets use math here. M=Mania/R=repression,deniel,avoidence/B=tendancy,behavior/I=Intensity/T=time. Thus, R/TxI=MB where R/T=duration of repression and I=urgency/power of repressed behavior/tendancy and MB=manic episode. If you consent to this equation lets move on. The two aspects that would be related directly to an evolutional perspective would be the behavior and the intensity. Frankly, I think this dialogue is beyond me on a Monday night but hopefully this gives you some idea as to where Iam headed...............I will continue at a future date. .....From the bottom of the bird cage.......How about evolutional philosophy.......or evolutional theology. As juxtaposed to evolutional sociobiology these disciplines would trace antecedent and historical roots of the attempts by men/woman to understand the meaning of life and the role of a higher power within this context....This could be my own need for intellectual consonance (I only like dissonance in my music). Well, time for nite/nite.....Ed