In the March 24th issue of PC Magazine, a review of Quake II raises some disturbing questions about the recreational pastimes of the Activision game designers and customers.
(Quoting the review)
"And although it has more disturbing content than its predescessor, its an addictive and exciting game."
"Quake's weapon selection is superb."
"The gore is another aspect that merits a caution. All of id's games are bloody, but this is the bloodiest by far. Some of the levels include tortured human prisioners who moan and beg you to kill them. Unfortunately, you can't save these people, and if you kill them, you will actually be rewarded with extra ammo or better health. That's deranged, even for id."
"...Quake II shoud be on your must-own list."
Any suggestions about appropriate DSM-IV categories?