I am sure this is a frivilous answer to your very serious question of Dr. Stein. You are free to disregard it, and the moderator of this conference is free to delete it. (I have refrained from posting this until all the colleges in my area have finished their semester). But here goes ...
You said, "But when you have to bring the right answer in front of 2 examiners, you want to be sure."
It is is age old question of so many graduate students. My own guess is that Adler would have encouraged you to co-operate with your two examiners. Spend some time to get to know them, and what their view of reality is. Then ...
Consicesly restate the question, and answer it using as many references from your examiners 'world view' as you deem appropriate while maintaining awareness of their nonverbal communication.
Above all, remember that the translation of "in your opinion" is ... "please give us citations which we KNOW are valid".
t.cummings, on an off day