In "Denial of Death" Becker propomtes Otto Rank's idea that the truth of our insignificance overwhelms us as youths (and adults I guess). Thus the felt minus begins. Becker then trivializes Adler in a few sentences. It is helpful to me, though, to think of the striving as a story the individual makes up about what it means to "be" someone or overcome an also made up "weakness." When I listen I'm litening for the "validation" story. I'm wondering if anyone else has put an existential twist to the "striving" idea? It seems Adler clearly did not as I have never seen him quoted concerning Heidegger or other existentialists. Thus the overcoming or striving concept seems to be taken as a given - its source or cause not explored so there are many discussions like the above. What is it? What's it realy mean, etc.