Well, all my problems (technological, that is)are solved and I am back online. The experience of dealing with shoddy technical support will certainly show up in one of my future National Psychologist columns!
Speaking the The National Psychologist, I would like to put in a plug for the upcoming September/October issue which contains the annual Computer Supplement. This is the third of these yearly issues that I have been involved with and once again it is full of relevant, cutting-edge information that you won't get anywhere else in our field. I encourage you to read it and to subscribe to the newspaper (it is VERY cost effective) by calling 1-800-486-1985.
My article in this annual issue concerns speech recognition systems. Over the past year or so I have been evaluating these programs and have watched in amazement as the technology has mushroomed. As you will see in my article, speech recognition at a reasonable cost, is now a reality. Check out the issue and find a reprint of the article SOON at my web site (www.csudh.edu/psych/lrosen.htm -- follow the link to magazine and newspaper publications).