ADHD, Husbands, & Toilet Training
There's a million dollar idea in a recent "Newsweek." The renovated airport terminal has insect designs cut into the urinal surface. The management explains:
"'If a man sees a fly, he aims at it.' Amsterdam airport official Aad Kieboom, on why urinals at a revamped international-arrivals terminal at New York's JFK airport will have an insect etched into the procelain now that a Dutch company has taken over management." (1)
How likely is it that this phenomenon can be adapted for home use? It sounds like a nice variation for the older ruse of dropping a ping-pong ball into the toilet and instructing the child to "sink it." It might even work for husbands. We now need some Psych Adaptation for getting females to check the seat before sitting.
1) Newsweek, May 26, 1997, p27.