The phone rang. (Phones don't ring any more. They don't buzz. We need a word for that electronic throat-clearing that occurs when someone calls.)
"I see by the Yellow Pages that you treat ADHD adults?" "Yes." "I showed my boyfriend "Driven to Distraction." He read three chapters and agrees it's him but won't do anything about it." "There's something else that sometimes looks like ADHD. Is your boyfriend very determined, bossy, and demanding with a short temper and a high energy level?" "That's him." "That's too bad. ADHD will account for disorganization; however, domineering people sometimes have a touch of mania. Part of being a little manic is often a dislike for doctors. Instead they like to blame other people." "You said that you wanted to change therapists yourself?" "Yes, she sat there and did nothing for 18 months but tell me that I'm co-dependent. I'm coming out of it and my guy really hates the change. But, I have health insurance and they may not let me see you. I will call you back after I talk to everyone."
My goodness, the implications for Evolutionarily Stable Strategies! It sounds like a "Sucker (enabler/co-dependent)" has spotted a "Cheater" (control freak) and may be breaking loose. I wish her well. Too bad about the overlap of ADHD with mania; it will take a decade before that separation is made and understood by the general public.