It occurred to me some time ago that I often fool myself with this hand-waving term "many generations." Maybe professionals keep a clear idea in mind about what that really means, but I'm just an amateur, and I have found myself thinking of "many generations" as meaning hundreds. I wonder if some professional scientists are also misled or, at least, have their thinking clouded by the handwaving. For my own sake, I made a table of correspondences between years and generations, and I send it now in case it might be useful to someone. Corrections/annotations are gladly accepted.
1 generation of protoHuman: 20 y
5 gen/100 y
50 gen/millennium
500 gen/10 millennia - approx. length of "written" Human history
5000 gen/100 millennia - approx. the age of modern Human
50,000 gen/1 million years - approx. Australopithecus' span
100,000 gen/2 million years - time since Erectus' appearance
160,000 gen/3.2 mya - Lucy's approx. date
220,000 gen/4.4 mya - approx time since fossil of ramidus
11,500,000 gen/~23 mya - Proconsul (already tailless)
Pleistocene era 1,640,000-10,000 yBP (82,000-500 gen)time of possible bottleneck in H. evolution 60,000 ya (3000 gen) Alan Rogers
African Climate change ~15 mya (750,000 gen)
Last African (nonhominid) fossilApe ~13 mya (650,000 gen)
Gorilla diverged 8.3-10.1 mya (415,000-505,000 gen)
Human/Chimp divergence 5.8-7. mya (290,000-350,000 gen)
Ardipithicus ramidus ~4.4 mya (220,000 gen)
A. anamensis 4.2-3.0 mya (210,000-195,000 gen)
A. afarensis 3.9, 3.5, 3.2, 3.0 mya (195,000-150,000 gen)
A. africanus ~3.0-2.5 mya (150,000-125,000 gen)
Homo habilis ~1.6 mya ( 80,000 gen)
H. erectus ~1.8 mya (90,000 gen)
archaic H. sap. ~400 ky (20,000 gen)
early H. sap. ~130-60 ky (6500-3000 gen)
modern H. sap. 20,000 ky (~1000 gen)
H. neandertal 150-30 ky (750-1500 gen)
(Note: I received this from Glenn on the HBES ListServe and posted it here with his consent -- JB)