I am a relatively cyber and computor illiterate... A praticing clinical social worker, I have been driven to learn by my rentry into a Phd program and my increasing moblity problems in my hands..I purchased the IBM voice system, upper end version with adaptor board and have been very disappointed with it... It's difficult to use but i continue to try with it.. but as you can see ,, i am not using it here..because my typing is sooo horendous... creative yes... i would like to see where this forum goes in discovery.. My co-workers have tried the low end IBM gold or Simply speaking and did not have much luck in getting it to be a help in even progress notes.. My agency is willing to purchase me a voice recognition system for me and wants to know what I want! What to tell them?? One of our Dr.'s is going to get the dragon dictate new continous voice system for xmas... will give you an update on it.He plans to use it on his laptop.. Thank you for allowing my meger imput and hope to pick your brains clean!! later..AnnaM.