Vic, as always your clear understanding of patients is amazing! In case others do not know this - Vic is a physicist! a very psychological one at that.
There are many areas of overlap between our theories. We do see quilt and shame as at the core of how one develops their personality. It effects how one comes to feel about oneself as a separate individual and effective being in the world. In my limited experience, patients are not so eager to leave treatment. My current case load has been with me for 10 plus years. I think it is a semantic problem in that patients bring up whatever they want and need our help with and that includes all types of issues. I find that it is only after many, many years that patients are able to bring up the deepest issues of self loathing and disgust. The treatments seem to get richer and deeper as the years go one. I do not find discrete stages that can be generalized in my cases. Patients will go from issue to issue as they live their lives and I follow their leads. Personal growth is a component of all their work. I wonder if others find patterns of one type of issues following another? I have seen patient bring up less difficult material first in order to determine if this will be a safe place to do their work.