I humbly consider myself to be Adlerian in my approach to therapy, though I have to say I am always learning more. I am especially interested in this area of new applications of Adler's work, since I have seen in my own practice with clients who have Personality Disorders that so many of them seem to lack an "experience" from early childhood. I have often said in therapy that the missing experience was a feeling in response to nurture that was not experienced during the normal developmental time, but could be experienced later as the client's development of Lifestyle is begun anew in therapy. If this is the type of work that is described in MDE, then it is not an experience where memories are expunged or changed, rather it is one where a new experience is introduced that leaves a new impression and also says to the client that the previous memories need not be as final as they thought, and that inferiority feelings need not be permanent. I will value any feedback.