No, not in any way do I feel depressed because of my interest in evolution. If clinicians have no interest in evolution, or feel threatened by it, that is just another demonstration of their seemingly growing ignorance and reflects in general, their misinformation and poor educational background.
Obviously, anyone who is aware of the burgeoning body of research in the neurosciences (and neuropsychology, which is my field), is aware that the fields of genetics, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neurochemistry, are fields which reflect and support, not the "theory", but the truths and facts of evolution. This is certainly the case for a true understanding of the evolution of Homo spaiens, sapiens and language development in particular.
Unfortuntely, for those clinicians who feel "threatened", it again demonstrates how removed many clinical psychologists have becvome from science and research. No, I do do feel depressed, but rather, depressed for what is happening to clinical psychology in general.
William B. Secor