Perhaps someone will correct me, but as far as I know Maslow contructed the need hierarchy, but no actual measure of self- actualization. From my limited knowledge based on a Personality Course I have taught, the need hierarchy in order is:
Physiological: hunger, thirst sex
Safety: security, law, order, freedom from anxiety/fear etc.
Belongingness and Love: feeling wanted and accepted by others. There is a distinction between love rooted in deficiency as opposed to a more mature capacity of loving others (D Love and B Love).
Esteem: esteem based on 1)one's own respect for self and own accomplishments and 2) esteem based on the evaluations of others
Self-actualization: realizing one's own unique potential. All of the above are basic needs, while self-actualization is a meta need.
I hope this is helpful. If you are looking for an actual paper-pencil measure of self-actualization, please post again.