NOTE: The answers I have writting follow a part of your original question in each of the following. I used a "A:" to denote the beginning of the answer. Also, you need to realize that YOUR categories are YOU and not reality. You make many dichotomous labels here that do not embrace the reality I experience in a manner that is the least bit helpful to my way of thinking, acting, planning, experiencing, and so on. These false dichotomies will not draw an adequate picture of how Ericksonian therapists operate (of do not operate). They are nice words but often Procrustean bed frames. Beware that your dichotomies are too rigid and unreal for the moment to moment life of living and changing. I'm sure that as you begin to have experience you will learn this. Yet, these things are always fun for arguing here are some answers for you. You are asking lots of questions --- may you come to have lots of answers!
- Teleology vs Teleonomy: A: There several ways in achieving change, also several goals.
- Mitical relationship vs Contractual Relationship: A: Both: The client cannot distinguish between his knowledge and the therapist s. BUT, the client is able to distinguish his own feelings, emotions, and knowledge form the therapist s, he is independent from the therapist emotionally and he is able to analyze his own situation. The angle you have missed is that knowledge is CO-CREATE. The distinction as to whether (as the client) this is our knowledge or my knowledge is up for may have it either way and one will make the decision based upon their own background and needs. Usually, the more subtle aspect of co-created - shared knowledge requires a lot of savvy and maturity for contact and intimacy as well as a sharp ability to notice and articulate ... so, that is more often a lesser chosen (by clients) path.
- Therapeutic process: Estructuring vs Destructuring: the process would be considered estructuring if you the past is the not essencial element, you built on from the present, that is, you creat a new conceptual platform for the client and they may be new forms of behaviour adaptation. The process would be considered destructuring if an effort is made to move away the client from ancient meanings atributed so that it is possible to build new understandings and meanings. A: "the not essencial element" to whom? If the past is an essential element to a client, then if must also be for the therapist of that client -- at least for a while. Growth builds from the present - but if the meanings of the past can add that, they will be used. Analyzing the past is not essential, but experience comes from the past and seeds for building it in the present can be found in memory. Once again, your dichotomy is too rigid and unreal for the moment to moment life of living and changing.
- Instrumental action vs Imagetic action: the two kinds of action are distinguished by their practical and realist aproach, instrumental action is based on the assumption that the individual is envolved with the reality that surrounds him which allows altertions in his behavioral pattern. Imaginary action works with supposition and fantasied realities. A: Both...usually the office work is the later and extramural effort is the context for the former. However, in many cases, esp., couples, for example, the in-office time may very little fantasy and build and shape perception in all (many) sensory systems.
- Valiation of the therapeutic process-there are four main categories for validation of a model: Developmental methods, experimental method, case study and desciptive methods: A: it depends on the context....usually case study and desciptive methods - more rarely experimental method.
- Therapist s formation and training: How are Ericksonian therapist trained according to 5 criteriums: . Direct vs group relation in training: A: both . Formation in theoretical vs formation in practical aspects: A: both- but it is theory of action not personality structure. . Practice in real situations vs simulations: A: Everything is real, my friend. . Continous vs punctual formations: A: The later is most common as it is required learning process for 30 years so you can eventually do the former. . Experience as therapist vs experience as supervisor: A: the former.