Part of the concern here is that the author (Dr. Meisel) of the question is attempting to satisfy someone perceived as predisposed to hostility (to some degree) to his contribution. At the very least, the supervisor seems (to Dr. Meisel) to be trying to make him illustrate something that will convince her while, it appears (to Dr. Meisel) that she comes with a mind-set to the contrary. And this is probably the case. As a result of that process he is compliant. He then (compliantly) seeks other authorities to quote/rely upon, etc. Basically, it seems that any answer of "content" will fall short of being helpful since the "process" is the real problem. Being perfect in content is not the problem. Learning to unravel that one-up and one-down proecess is the key to a successful presentation. And THAT might even mean NOT doing the presentation with such a contract. [And yes, Dr. Meisel knows this -- so he won't be shocked to read it here]. He has done nothing wrong - this is a process of learning that each of us gains in time.