In the post by Stephen Lankton, "Erickson evolved/changed", it is stated that "The one area that did not change in all the years: Cure. For Erickson, it was always the reassociation of experiential life so that people could have the resources they needed in the context where they were required". My question concerns not the "reassociation of experiential life" but the "association of experiential life": or, to put it differently, the original association. I would be curious how Erickson, conceived this to be the case, or how this was thought to come about. I am particularly interested in the developmental model (or lack of one) explicit or implicit in any answer.
Additionally, with this in mind, could we say that we could take the following statement of Erickson's position-- from a post dated some time ago (10/4/97 "Utilization and Experience Retrieval"): "we might say that Erickson would make use of the communication offered by the client (utilization) and then help the client retrieve and organize the experiential learnings they required to function more effectively" -- and modify it thusly without doing damage to the spirit of Erickson, "the role of parents/caregivers is to make use of the communication offered by the child to help the child retrieve and organize their experiential learnings they required/(acquired?) to function effectively?"