This message of leaving the client empowered is so very important. Too many times, I have heard couples who have been through counseling for months and feel that they haven't learned much. The great anger and enduring insanity control over the covanent of husband and wife issues are still as prevelant as the day they walked in. It should be about identifying, understanding and working through the relationship. Learning and growing together. Time will not heal these problems. Work (behavior modification) and change does. And a counselor who is not well-trained, not keeping up with new forums of therapy or not equiping the cleint with "homework" ( some fun, some not so fun)and something they can hold or grasp to use in their lives, can cause further emotional breakdown. Our goal is to get them back into their lives, honoring each other, communicating, resolving conflict and dealing with anger, enjoying romance and intimacy and finding joy and happiness along the way for the whole family unit in the shortest amount of time. If you don't set realistic goals you may loose your client to another counselor or they may give up on the thought of therapy in the future. And they'll tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends and so on. I like to add God along the way, too.