Actually, I was introduced to Erickson by way of the writings of Gregory Bateson's team (Haley 1963, Bateson 1972, and Jackson et all 1973-4, esp.). One day I was explaining to Gregory my ideas about the similarities between adult problems and post hypnotic behavior when he informed me that Dr. Erickson was alive and I should discuss it with him. (I thought Erickson had died years before this.) Dr. Bateson "invited me" to call Erickson and ask to visit and study with him.
Grinder and I met subsequent to that and learned alot working together for a couple-three years (much of that before the name ‘NLP’ had been chosen to describe the body of work that was getting put together). I asked Bandler and Grinder to meet together with me one night and come up with a name for their material so people could better conceptualize and refer to it. In that meeting it was Bandler who suggested Neuro Linguistic Reprogramming (ala N. Chomsky)...a very short time later – within a couple of days - the "Re" was dropped and Neuro Linguistic Programming was christened. .