Dear Dr. Spira:
I very much agree that good quality research on the effects of meditation is needed. In fact, there are a number of starts in this direction, one of which may be of interest.
My colleagues and I have written a paper describing how an integrative therapy combining aspects of Jon Kabat-Zinn's Mindfulness Based Stress-Reduction and Cognitive Therapy can be used to help prevent relapse in patients who have recoverd from depression. We are also conducting a randomized clinical trial across 3 sites to look at this empirically. This work is also supported by the NIMH.
A paper describing the theoretical basis for our work can be found in:
Teasdale, Segal and Williams (1995). How does cognitive therapy prevent depressive relaspe and why should Attentional Control (Mindfulness) Training help? BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY, Vol. 33, pages 25-39.
Hope this is of interest.