Good to hear from you.
I came back a little earlier. An old friend, a Siamese cat named "Gretchen-Mother of 60" (a retired breeder from a pet shop) died, secondary to complications from diabetes, on the 27th and I wanted to do some things for her. She gave me much.
Otherwise, my mind is buzzing with possibilities and postings. About 5:30am seems prime time at the moment. The note pads are still on the headboard and let me get back to sleep once I've jotted some craziness.
Diane is back to teaching ballet and nurturing her 22 yo daughter. I'm putting on some miles so I'm not a thorough disgrace in the Marine Corps Marathon. Nice guys; I want to do a good job (lots of aid stations and food and cheering) so they don't waste their time.
Hi to Susy.