Symmetrical people are lately reported to be healthier, smarter, and sexier. These facts annoy the manic me who wants some virtue in my flaws.
The film, "Rainmaker" presumably describes a war between the poor/isolated and the organized/wealthy whether it be that of insured vs. the insurers or that between most of the audience and our stereotypes about lawyers (some great jokes!). The war is also one of the symmetrical against the average, those of us that "reflect developmental stress" by having crooked features.
In "Rainmaker," nonsymmetrical people beat the symmetrical, a refreshing change from older times when the villains were usually the misshapen. Also, from high school days when the mirror-imaged occupied most of the alpha niches. I cheered.
There may be a new market opportunity, to cater to the uneven nice guys. There's the option of asymmetrical stuffed animals? Resurrect the cabbage patch kids? How about a lopsided Barney with uneven coloring? Or, alliances forming of the uneven? Or a National Association for Parity of the Misaligned?
Anyhow, the "symmetry thing" has a long way to go and there are many of us who like our asymmetrical features. As Woody Allen once noted, "My brain is my second favorite (asymmetrical) organ."