Jim, Sorry for the lack of posting but I neede a lube and oil change (I also had to get my tires re-aligned). Your use of matrix thinking continues to amaze me! Your use of the concept of node to define (as juxtaposed from) the concept of spandrel is a marvelous analogy! As the spardrel appears to do little yet holds up th building so does the human lymphatic system appear to be merely a drainage system yet without it the human system would go "belly up". Of course there is also the concept of lobe (which you appeared to approach but seemed to demure from) which contains our thoughts (present and past), our personality. and all of which we hope to become! Call it interactive, matrix, calculi, or schizsm cognition Iam with you! I suspect the Bri Guy is also! Rubba Dub Dub Three Men In A Tub...................Sincerely, Scubbe DOO