You write about there being a schism between the cognitions and the emotions. In my opinion, a problem may arise when trying to consider one as having more importance than the other (i.e. thoughts or emotions). My training is primarily Adlerian-based, and I would consider what the purpose is of the behaviour. In this way, one takes a step back from the reported symptom in order to see the greater picture. Generally speaking, the purpose of what we do is what we achieve. It seems that what he has achieved through whatever OCD tendencies he may have and homosexual ideations is cutting off his feelings. The last sentence you wrote clinched it for me. There you have the reason for his doing so. If he addressed his emotions, he would have to address his emotions in regards to his mother which is too painful. Better to cut them off completely. Adler spoke of "sideshows" which we often create for ourselves to sidestep the so-called "tasks of life". It seems he may have created such a sideshow to sidestep issues with his mother. Just an idea. Hope it helps.