"The TRUTH is that the only thing that ever HEALS is LOVE." Ron, you are so VERY wrong! "If you can find somebody that you feel safe with, you will naturally BEGIN to HEAL INSTANTANEOUSLY." This is also a myth. "You just need to feel safe. This is how the body is designed." "GOD did not invent EMDR, but he did invent LOVE." Without going into a very long history of my son's multiple dx's, the different treatments, therapies, behavior mods, and medications, I would like to add my ten cents worth to this discussion. My son is an extremely and severely emotionally disabled child who has two very loving, caring and supportive parents and a team of professionals. We work with a psychiatrist monthly, a psychologist weekly, a certified behavior analyst weekly, and a specialized therapeutic day school. My son's problems began nine years ago. We have tried everything on God's earth to help him in any and everyway we can. Feeling safe has nothing to do with how the body is designed. That is a learned experience by most people, as is love. Our son has people who love him, in a safe home and environment. He has people he feels safe with and he has love. These two things, plus a multitude of others, has not proved to "naturally BEGIN to HEAL INSTANTANEOUSLY." After only ten minutes of an EMDR session, this normally defiant, destructive, aggressive, abusive, violent child had a very "normal" evening that did not include any of HIS normal behaviors. It was the first time in nearly a decade that he did things WITHOUT any verbal or physcial aggression, that you and I take for granted, such as brushing teeth, taking a shower, eating. The FIRST time in almost a decade after only ten minutes of EMDR. I have done the research, I have read all the reports, good and not so good. I know that there is a possibility that the memories that may be the root to his troubles, the ones that he has suppressed for so long from a horrible experience which was the onset of one of his dx's, may cause him even more anxiety, depression, and pain. I have also read where EMDR is not supposed to help schizophrenic or bipolar people. However, if only ten minutes had that kind of effect on this very troubled little boy of 13, then I am willing to try this. Nothing else has worked. All of the professionals in his life, though they are not giving up, are at a loss as how to help him. EMDR may be the key to his recovery. So, Ron, get off your high horse until you have walked in my shoes, or better yet, in my son's shoes. Safety and love do NOT always heal everything!
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