I wish you the best. EMDR has made a miraculous difference in my life (as evidenced on scales and the reports of others, not self report), and I am DID and been in therapy on and off for over a decade. If you do have a difficult experience, try another therapist (just for emdr, if you like your current therapist for other stuff). One of the major stumbling blocks to my healing was my assumption that my old therapist (per her opinion) was doing emdr the best, "right", safest way. I find I tolerate it easily now... don't underestimate the power of poor rapport. Some therapists will be better at emdr than others... there's variability, as with any technique. Ok, I say all that not to scare you but to reinforce that EMDR DOES work... it works wonderfully -- just find the right person to do it with. :) (I can't imagine my talk t doing emdr, btw, and she is wonderful in SO many ways.)
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