Do you think it may be related to level of education? Or the way one uses their mind? As in, do people who are good at math or music or more empathetic process more quickly? Is it related to an innate ability or is it environmental... like Bill was saying... that people with less trauma process more quickly -- that just hasn't been my experience. In fact, the people who process enormous trauma quickly often have other enormous traumas. But there processing is still quicker, overall. Or is it the "entry hall" theory... that only a fragmented piece is being processed. And how would a clinican or client determine whether they were processing the whole thing or not? As someone else asked, how do you know when it's over? I heard someone hypothesize once that standard EMDR "misses" a lot of unresolved experience because it is not somatically enough based. (Vs sensorimotor processing, energy work, etc -- I think referring an occasional client for reiki work has been mentioned.) But then, the research would seem to not bear that hypothesis out... standard emdr "works" just fine... in longitudinal studies. Perhaps people who are naturally more tactile process more quickly? Or more thoroughly...? Just throwing out ideas...
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