I am very appreciative that Dr. Paulsen Inobe responded as she did. If you would note my first post I stated that my therapist and I had talked about my experiences and I was already beginning to worry about MPD. Dr. Paulsen's responses have helped to clarify my concerns, have provided affirmation, have supported what my therapist has told me and have helped normalize my experiences. Note also that I said in my first post that I had been sexually abused by a previous therapist - it's unfortunate I never had a forum such as this one to turn to at that time, maybe someone would have been able to tell me that what was happening was abuse at that time. Being able to post a question here during a critical time in my present therapy was of utmost importance and helped me to know that the trust I've established with my present therapist is justified. Furthermore, my present therapist knows that I was scared about the awareness of ego states I had not previously been aware of, encourages me to ask questions and will view my posting a question to this forum as a positive step. There are therapist practicing who are not too good at what they do (and some who as I've learned are sexual predators) and clients need to be able to use whatever resources that are available to protect themselves from harm of any sort. To Dr. Paulsen, I know I experience the normal ego states - that seems to be my ususal way of being. The explanation of how ego states can contain overwhelming feelings such as rage, sadness etc. helped. It makes sense as I shut down when feelings surface and seem to not feel anything with some memories, yet, I know that those feelings are there. So, I'm functioning quite normally and, as my therapist has told me many times over, I am quite healthy. I just need to get in touch with the stuff I've pushed aside, which is contained in these ego states, so I can get on with my life.
My therapist and I have been working at identifying these feeling states, what I'm feeling, where in my body and so forth. Rage, sadness, terror are a few of them.
Once again, thanks for your helpful replies.
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