Your experience with emdr sounds similar to mine. Sessions have been intermittant. I haven't had severe panic attacks, however, I've had some strong reactions. For me it is the opening up of emotions - so it seems and other therapy techniques have resulted in similar response. As a result therapy has gone much slower than expected - being able to feel, handle the feelings etc has been worked on. When I get too close to things I start to panic, hit fear. For me it has been learning to stay with the fear, go through it etc and any other emotions I may connect with. Just stay with the therapy for a while longer, there are other ways of dealing with things besides using emdr. When you are ready you can do more with the emdr. My understanding is that emdr can assist you in how you view men and relationships. Although I don't have the level of fear you appear to have in that area I do have some issues. Eventually I'll work on those, they aren't my priority right now. Good Luck to you.
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