Also, we use the message, "might trigger" to warn about things like talking about being in therapy or needing to be in therapy, having memories surface with no specifics on content, having compulsions, talk about normal everyday body stuff, having to confront someone, gender issues - with no specifics mentioned-stuff we struggle with and that might trigger others like ourselves. We would NEVER post to an open forum things like this that are so potentially traumatizing. So, we were totally taken off guard. I did not read the post but skipped down the page until I saw the thank you part. This I read in full. I was still very disturbed by the little that I saw. And I am not highly triggerable by many standards. I would really like you to consider editing this message. If you think a triggering warning is enough, at least put it at the top of the original post with the information that there are detailed graphic descriptions in the body and spoil the text, so that anyone opening it up by mistake will not see the body of the text before reading the warnings. You have to try to understand something. You talked about screen doors in another post. That is kind of what happens when co-consciousness is developing in parts that were formerly completely separate. And sometimes you can't tell who is looking over the shoulders until something happens and they respond in a way that is intense enough to let you know they are there. And sometimes that means completely flooding the awareness, and shutting down whoever was there up front formerly. But even without that extreme, what do you do if you as an adult open a post like this with the message line that EMDR is a MIRACLE, only to find that your five year old alter is reading over your shoulder, and another child is triggered forward who was abused like this, and it's all there for you to try to deal with. You've got three parts here (and this is way simplified): one who has never to her knowledge been present for any abuse; one who has been 'sleeping' because of the abuse is now awake and screaming her terror in your head, giving you all the details complete with physical sensations, smells, sounds, emotions, everything; and yourself, an adult who may or may not have previously known about the other two. Now all three are traumatized, the two kids by the information proper and the reliving of the original trauma, and the adult for having failed to protect the kids from this happening. Would you want to take your young children into a church, expecting an uplifting message, only to find yourself somehow in an S&M shop with a large screen video going in your face, except your kids think what is happening on the screen is/will/has happened to them and they are terrified? That is what this is/was/can be like for someone who is dissociative. I know that was not the author's intent. Hers was to show that even with a huge amount of abuse EMDR works. But this can be said and was said in the last part without the graphics. Do you or the original author believe that this detailed and graphic information is truly necessary information to be here? If so, then disregard the comments in this post and leave it. But understand that the post is potentially harmful the way it stands and please try to understand why. I apologize if this seems terse. My intent was seriousness, not scolding and I do hope that you read it in this context and not in another. I only wish for you to place yourself in these shoes for one moment to try to understand what this is like. If you wish, you may delete this post with my full permission after reading it. I in no way wish to place you in a difficult situation or to cast aspertions on your experience or expertise. I have read many of your responses and I do respect you and your knowledge very much. Diane
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