For some time, there have been complaints about the number of individuals who declare themselves to be Cognitive therapists but who seem to have little training and experience in the practice of CT. The idea of developing some sort of national certification program in Cognitive Therapy has been discussed intermittently for years. For quite a while little was done, in part because this is a big project and in part because Dr. Beck did not want to be perceived as trying to exclude anyone from practicing CT. After considerable discussion, a decision has been made to establish an Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT) and to develop a certification program in Cognitive Therapy.
The initial organizational meeting of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy was chaired by Aaron Beck, MD in Philadelphia on October 26, 1996. The group attending this meeting consisted of leading Cognitive Therapists who had worked and/or trained with Dr. Beck. After a considerable amount of lively discussion, Bylaws were adopted and following the meeting a board was elected:
Since then the Board has contacted NOCA, the national organization that sets standards for accrediting agencies, and has reexamined the Bylaws and methods for certification discussed at the initial meeting in order to comply with NOCA's stringent standards. Formal incorporation proceedings have begun, revised Bylaws are being reviewed, and recommendations regarding levels of membership and methods of certification are expected within the month. No exact timetable has been announced but the Board anticipates examining the first group of applicants in mid 1999.
The application process is still being designed. However, it is clear that, since the intent is to have certification by ACT mean that the practitioner is experienced and competent, each applicant will be required to submit a work sample for evaluation.
As soon as the credentialing criteria and the application process are finalized, the information will be posted here.
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