Ollendick, T. H. (1996). Violence in youth: Where do we go from here? Behavior therapy's response. Behavior Therapy, 27, 485-514. ABSTRACT - Violence in America is widespread and affects many aspects of our daily lives.This paper reviews one form of violence in Americal, youth violence, and examines the extent and scope of the problem and its associated challenges. In addition to alarming rates of mortality, especially for minority youths, considerable morbidity is associated with youth violence. Many youths who experience or witness violence develop posttraumatic stress disorder or related cognitive, affective, and behavioral problems. Following a review of these sequelae of violence, attention is directed toward the multiple interacting and transacting causes of violence, including biological, physiological, chemical, behavioral, psychological, sociological, economical, and political determinants. In response to these multiple influences, cognitive and behavioral therapists have developed a range of interventions and prevention programs that ahve proven useful and effective, at least in the short run. Yet we must do more. The development of new programs that are developmentally sensitive, ecologically valid, and that build on solid functional analysis of violent behavior in society is proposed.
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