I would like to propose an intermediate solution or possibility to link these differents points of view about the behavioral experiments in a prison. I am agree with Linda Nauth in the difficulty to do and propose behavioral experiments in prison. I think It is hard change or modify schemas in the setting of a prison.
Following this reasoning:
If Negociate is an adaptative behavior inside and outside prison. Inside, because avoid to have punnishment and access to a important reward, the possibility to stay less time in prison. In this setting, offenders negociate and not fight.
But, outside the reward not exist and if the offender return to old behavior: fight, this do not have an immediatly consequence. Then, the offender maintain their schema related self-worth.
If We are agree with "If we have a new adaptative behavior, not necessarily a schema or an underlying assumption will be modified, but we have a good oportunity to show the way to change this schema". I propose use hehavioral experiments, in the way proposed by Dr. Pretzer, for motivating offenders people to change their desadaptative schema. First in the prison: rewiewing old experience, do balance cost/benefits... the goal to show offender an opportunity to change their punnishment behavior, and their shema (We can use another CBT techniques).
If we obtain good outcome it will be an reward experience for testing the value of this schema out prison. We can promove this kind of experiments when the offender access to liberty provation or go out of prison temporaly. But, Maybe this last point need to coordinate well between differents professionals involved in this question to have an succesful outcome.
At the end, In my opinion an schematic change need alternatives behaviors or alternative experiencies or alternatives ways to feel the experiences. Maybe, some patients do not need to work with specific behavioral experiments, prepared by the therapist; because in a phase of schema change, the dayly life give a powerful experiences, not prepared behavioral experiments, for give others meanings to the life. But, In more cases we need to use this for help patients to modify theirs schemas.
Sorry for my bad english.
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