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Review of Alternative Treatments for ADHD
Jim Pretzer · 09/23/01 at 9:27 PM ET
Waschbusch, D. A. & Hill, G. P. (2001). Alternative treatments for children with attention defecit/hyperacticity disorder: What does the research say? the Behavior Therapist, 24, 161-171.
A review of the available empirical research on treatments for children with ADHD leads the authors to the following conclusions:
Empirically-Supported Treatments
- psychostimulant medication (Ritalin, etc.)
- behavior modification (contingency management)
- a combination of psychostimulant medication and behavior modification
Promising Treatments (but in need of further testing)
- non-stimulant medications (tricyclic antidepressants, clonidine)
- intensive behavioral treatment programs (behavioral summer camp programs)
- classroom-based interventions other than contingency management (educational strategies, peer-directed strategies, self-management strategies)
Unsupportend Treatments (i.e. tested and found ineffective
- cognitive interventions (self-instructional training, problem-solving training, cognitive modeling)
- dietary management (the Feingold diet, restricting sugar intake)
- nutritional and dietary supplements (amino acids, vitamins)
Untested (or inadequately tested) Treatments
- play therapy
- EEG biofeedback (AKA Neurofeedback)
- Sensorimotor Integration Therapy
- nutritional approaches (essential fatty acids, saccharides, mineral supplements)
- physiological treatments (accupuncture, candida yeast, anti-motion-sickness medications, thyroid treatment)
- homeopathic remedies
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