Warren, R. & Thomas, J. C. (2001). Cognitive-behavior therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder in private practice: An effectiveness study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 15, 277-285. ABSTRACT - A controversy exists over whether or not the results of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are generalizable to routine clinical practice. The present study examines the effectiveness of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in a private practice setting. Twenty-six consecutive clients referred to a private anxiety disorders specialty clinic began treatment for OCD. Of the 19 (73%) clients who completed treatment, 84% were treatment responders. Clients, treatment, and outcome of the present study are compared with those of representative RCTs, and it is concluded that there are more similarities than differences. It is concluded that CBT can be effectively delivered in routine clinical practice.
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