Hello. My name is Rachel Goldstein, and I am an artist. I paint murals for children and I am in the process of starting a non-profit foundation to donate murals to children’s hospitals. If any of you are art therapists or in a similar profession, I am looking to interview you regarding the effect that art has on the healing process. Do you think that you could assist me? My email address is allfreelance@comcast.net (1) Does the existence of art in a child’s room help a child heal? Is there a change in the rate of healing from a child who lives in a white-walled room than a child who lives in a room with a mural or a room with art? If so, what is the reason for this? (2) Are there specific colors or patterns that help a child heal? (3) What sort of artwork would be the most soothing? Therapeutic? Uplifting? (4) Can you give me any sort of feedback that would help prove the need for murals and other art in children’s hospitals. I know that murals and art are soothing and uplifting for children, but I really want to know if there is any literature or professionals who can back me up. (5) Are there any anecdotes you can give me from your vast experience on how art possibly healed or cheered up a child?...maybe a child or parent who said how soothing the art on the walls were or something of this sort. It would help me a lot. (6) I also plan to visit hospitals and shelters and have children help me paint the murals. Can you tell me how this might be therapeutic for a child? Do you have any anecdotes for this too? I really appreciate all of your feedback...I know it is a lot to ask, but it will really help my cause. Thank you very much for your time. Rachel - allfreelance@comcast.net
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