I have a 16.5 years old daughter. She was difficult since she was baby. She was not able to suffer pain and was asking for immediate help with disproportional crying and shouting. She had a bad month when she was 12 and she cried a lot that she do not want to become adult and she wants to stay chiled. It passed without treatment. She was always more angry to the family (she have 2 sisters). Last year she started new school very happily (she wanted to change school) she sayed she wants to be the best in class and she realy was in the beginning. Along the year she became more depressed. She got Acne. it was not strong. other friends with same acne live normally. She started putting a lot of makeup. she started to be very busy against the mirror. she was going out very angry. she was asking us if the makeup is OK or not, and we had to give the right answer that it is ok even we saw it's too much. She starting going down with her learning and she finished the year with medium results. On summer vacation she decide she will not go out untill she will have no sign of acne. She was saying that when she will not have acne it will be all good. We had night after night she was crying how she is ugly and how people think she is lokking like a monkey, she was saying she cannot live like this any more . She was crying shoutingly that people was not able to sleep in 100 meter radius. We started treatment with Roacutane. She did not want to start this year school. She stayed close at home without connecting friends and people for 3 month. When she started to go to school few times she could not hold, she was coming home and going back to depression. As acne started to be OK she became more and more busy with other parts of her body. Every time she speaks about something else that must be corrected. she spend hours against the mirror. She started taking Prozac last month but we see no improvement. She goes out with friends at night very late. We know she is having sex with few of them. She sleep in the day until late afternoon and the only thing she is doing is sleeping, eating, going out with friends an shouting on her family. She tried to work in a shop, she could not continue, she looks like she have no anergy.
Now we know for sure that it is BDD. we also know that the Prozac will not cure her. We want to find a way to help her find her way in life. We know we do not have much time. She already lost her 11th class and this is also bad situation with her friends. She is in angry on us all the time unless she wants something like money etc.. she blame us all the time, we can't starting talks with her, she close strong light where she is eating or sitting, she wash herself in the dark, and her room is always dirty with all her things on the floor. We know she had a bad story of trying to be attacked by a boy about 2 month after starting last year school but she was not raped. Her psychologist said she do not see that she have trauma from this. I cant speak with her about this she does not agree.
It is a long story, it is also difficult for me to explain in english, but I hope I explained our situation. I did not find good treatment around and we do not have more time because we are loosing our daughter. I am looking for the best treatment that can help without using more drugs.
I will be very happy if peoples who experienced BDD will share with me some information.
David S.
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