If you can, I have one follow-up question for you: How does one know whether or not those "old shoes" are still really there? As far as I know I've already packed up a majority of those "old shoes" and given them away to Goodwill, so to speak, in the past ten years. Just because I have memories (which don't cause me present trauma to recall) doesn't necessarily mean they're still up in my closet, does it? Is it at every juncture of my life whenever there's a crisis I must once again go back to my past? Even though I've never heard of EMDR before I feel I've progressed through my past significantly through other means: my relationship with God, self-analysis, truths and wisdom from the Bible and psychology, life itself, and bits of input from different people and counselors. Of course it's always a work-in-progress, onion-skin-peeling-effect to heal. But it does get finished to some degree eventually, doesn' it? For now I think it isn't my past that's eating me up inside, as what my counselor is suggesting...but it sounds like a good idea to look into how EMDR might be useful in my present agonies. I'm just sooo tired of re-hashing my past again and again as if I haven't dealt with them. I hope that if I have dealt with it enough, that my counselor and I would be able to assess where I'm at accurately. She doesn't do the EMDR herself. Thanks for 'listening'. Alexandria
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