>Wanda, it sounds like your ng is doing the best it can with this person. On the ngs and lists I've been on, arguing and debating with people who sound like the one you are describing tends to increase their number of posts. Short, simple, unemotional, polite replies to their posts can clarify the "facts" for newcomers while avoiding drawn-out debates and flaming that accomplishes little more than creating turmoil on the ng or list.
John, thank you for your POV on this. I admit, many of us have reacted to the bait. OTOH, I think we (the collective we) have strengthened ourselves by addressing him and learning to focus on topics, learning not get distracted by "red herring," so to speak. Joining in the ng counteroffensive has also, as a side-effect, taught me to become quite proficient in dejanews, the mother of all online archives.
>IMHO, a newsgroup or list is a small community with its own unique personality and dynamics. Whatever that personality is, in the long run it tends to prevail over the influence of a single person.
Your last statement is very enlightening and uplifting. It gives me faith that our ng has what I consider a worthwhile and positive personality, and that it's worth upholding.
I think you've helped me sort out some of my own internal conflicts over my involvement in the ng. Thank you.
Wanda Hill
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