Well dear Steve ,I just finished writing to you .A small inquiry regarding your termanology, in your requeast of the DR. I think I know what your asking now ,regarding the expression of those on line verses face to face .I can only write from my own experiance . I also hope that you were asking for personal experiences such as this ,if not have a smile on me . I dont believe that I truly become somone else, I just think ,I do not truly come across ,wich is to say Who I am does not change ,yet ,it clearly becomes less clear .Almost like an unfinished drawing ,wich you the reader is then the artist ,to scetch in, or paint the colors and highlights to come .Unless one is to truly (chat) many ,many ,days ,would the colors be the same ????Would the painting not be more immpressionistic ???? .Truly though I have noticed that certain facets of my (self) are easier to share on line . In my business I handle 2 &somtimes 4 clients at one time .It requires sesitivity and creativity and also an open mind ,and above all knowledge .Scientific formulas and expensive drastic changes to be done in hours ,and done to perfection . Changes that require style ,sensitivity and the knowledge to evaluate what this client is ready for all in the safest envioroment possible .No Im not a plastic surgen ,(they ask !)Somtimes I may run late , more steps may be needed and things may take longer ,yet the prices are still high and they must know I still put my whole heart into it ,allways......I do ,I care as much about the change as they do somtimes more .This is my art ,or at least one form of it . Not to my own suprise ,many of my clients in my business have said how pleased they are with their service and more so with the experience itself .A true open heart is felt ,because that is what I give ,and how much I care.Ihave built a buisiness in few years and bought my own facility when I was twentyfive. Yet when 3 clients told me that I am a younger Ophra Winfrey ,and that they felt they would rather see me than a doctor or counselor (WHOM I DO REFER)To me that is the most wonderful feeling to be told such a thing ,When comments like that became more frequent I really felt true success .To know my true love for others and my honesty and yet sensitivity to their needs and feelings is so apparent ,is a great accomplishment,in my feild , yet most of all as a person.
My piont is that these feelings are tranfered somtimes in moments ,by my eyes ,my expressions and the true opening of my soul to them.Im not saying that this is allways the case ,but very close .Ive met models and people from all over the world and thier trust is immediete .Not because of my name ,because of somthing they can feel ,that I give .
I just cant imagine being able to share that kind of feeling over the internet .I have disscussed creating a web site for my buisiness,yet this is the reson why I have not yet done so .Who knows ,mabey I will ,depending on your inquiries.
The other thing That might be different for me and I would bet for most ,is thatI would also tell you is that I may tell you the sad the lost and the tearful stories that I might not tell anyone face to face ,but I really dont know if that creats a different type of communication from the same person.Mabey ,mabey not .As you may see allready Im very upfront and outspoken in general .
I hope this helps your research ,if you have any more queastions ,please ask.I enjoy all research .
sicerely Luna
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