I suppose what I'm trying to understand is the relationship that some individuals have to "being in the world", and the connection to a virtual community.(If such a thing exists; often the relationship I have with cyberspace tends to feel almost imaginary, and has an unreal quality about it. Of course, the fact that I can receive e-mail, and can communicate in "real time" is a constant reminder that others are sharing a similar experience.
In a sense, I believe that the separation between our physical world and the one we inhabit on-line alters our perception of ourselves, not to mention our behaviour when interacting within it.
For example, you write in "Human becomes electric: The Basic Psychological Features of Cyberspace"(1998:2.)"The lack of face-to-face cues has a curious impact on how people represent their identity in cyberspace. Communicating only with typed text, you have the option of being yourself, or remaining completely anonymous...Anonymity has a disinhibiting effect that cuts two ways. Sometimes people use it to act out some unpleasant need or emotion...or it allows them to be honest about some personal issue that they could not discuss in a face-to-face encounter."
I find this really interesting, especially as it relates to exhibitionism and amateur home pages. Of course, it can be argued that anything detailing some aspect of an individuals life is in a sense "exhibitionism", but my interest is the use of sexuality, (not pornography) and why is the medium of Cyberspace so attractive to achieve this aim. I don't believe that Internet technology has caused a growth in this type of activity, but certainly has facilitated it.
On the other side of the coin, could it be argued that I am displaying voyeuristic qualities by taking such an interest? Am I the audience to these activities?
These are questions that I must ponder also.
My research is in very early days, and I would appreciate any ideas that others have on this subject, or in fact personal experiences that you would like to share.
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