Dr. Stein Dr. William Rhodes’ books, “Child Variance Series” are published in two volumes; Volume One titled Theories and Volume Two titled Interventions. The publisher is Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan. He has published many articles within the area of special education through the journals “Exceptional Children” and “The Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems”. Dr. Rhodes was a practicing psychologist and was also a professor in Special Education at the University of Michigan. He can be contacted by email at Rhodesjax@aol.com. The Life Impact Curriculum is unpublished at this time and I am one of many who have been given copies of the curriculum to pilot the program. Although I see far more applications than Dr. Kathy Piechura has used the curriculum to teach her B.D. class, she has written about her experiences in using the curriculum in “The Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders” in an article titled Empowering the Minds of Children and Youth. She describes the curriculum as “simple psychological experiments that students do to acquire new perceptions” . If you are interested in learning more about the curriculum you can email me at JulieP4610@aol.com There may be similarities between the applications of "The Life Impact Curriculum and what Classical Adlerian Psychotherapy calls dissolving the Life-Style and the fictional final goal. Here is a quotation within the curriculum that I believe describes the essence of what Dr. Rhodes wants to accomplish within the behavioral and social emotional disorder classrooms. “What we can know of reality may be explained through a picture. Even though the picture appears to be out there it is really a blend of what is inside and what is outside, of yourself and the outside world. In actuality the self and the picture flow together in a single picture that makes up reality. Since most of us think of ourselves and its physical world, self and environment as two separate things, which we might well do for our convenience. If we believe that the world is simply outside of us, then we feel the outside world is totally out of our control. However, if we believe that we can train our minds to project more of ourselves into that reality, we develop a greater sense of control over what is happening. For it would not only be happening to us but we would be training our minds to help make things happen. That is, we would help make the reality that happens”. Notice that this not only describes the curriculum, but I believe this description also descibes the teacher as well as the students in the process of learning. Dr Rhodes explained the curriculum is holographic and will be different for those who teach versus those who are learning it. In essence the curriculum will literally be life transforming in different moments in time. In essence I believe the Life Impact Curriculum purely is a creative construction and maybe the life style is the holographic feature of the curriculum.
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