"Me First: Does Birth Order Matter?" a BBC television program about birth order, will be aired Tuesday, May 16th on The Learning Channel in the United States. Originally shown on British TV, the program offers several contrasting views about the impact of birth order on personality development. Frank Sulloway ("Born to Rebel..."), Judith Harris ("The Nurture Assumption"), and several other researchers, theorists, and authors are interviewed. Henry Stein, Director of the Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco, presents an Adlerian perspective of birth order, as well as a brief demonstration of a therapeutic application. The one-hour program balances research, theory and human interest, including a fascinating interview with the descendants of Charles Darwin. Not all cable networks include The Learning Channel. Check the television listings under TLC in your local newspaper. The program could be listed as "Birth Order: A Sibling Story," and may be scheduled for 10:00 PM PST.
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