I just completed the chapter you recommended on Classical Adlerian Therapy. Rather than formalize a response I would prefer to jot down some of my responses and associations I had while reading this article. Sort of a not so free free association Routine. I wrote down four pages of notes so here goes.....
Interconnectedness of all humans.....Presumptious....Posits an a priori conclusion of mankind ...... anti existential......humane interpretation.....not sure it is true but I would like to believe it is
Feelings of Community
sounds a lot like secular theology.....community..commune..communion of saints..sounds parochial ...Iam applying Husserel's concepts here ...Ideation/mediation/reduction/fusion....Fusion being my addition.
Psychology of the Individual
.....Like the concept.....private logic.....sounds a little bit like Karl Lewin's concept of Life space without the vectors.....
Inferiority Feelings
....Still have difficulty with the deficit model....rings of original sin....I am not a black boxer but my final opinion on this one is pending....between ideation and mediation....
Plus/Minus Situation
....Like it....positive ring with a good point of reference(the client)....sounds a little like a logical positivist position.....
Imagined Superiority
....Like it.....reminds me of a lot of clients and of myself on occassion....reactive....explains a lot of pathological behavior .....I use the phrase "a hightened sense of self importance (unsure where I picked this up
Scheme of Apperception
Like the concept ...don't like the phrasing....sounds somewhat like dissonance theory I studied back in the Sixties ....not sure whether it was Secord.Bachman or Breager/Sprecht.....Also sounds very much like Ellis...However , someone still has to determine what reality is....
Mask Inferiority Feelings
....Like it a lot.....Masking seems to be a cottage industry with some people/groups.....By the way I am also an artist (metal sculpture) my second portfolio is entitled "Modern Tribal Masks",,,
The Unconscious
.....Don't believe in the concept.....never will..
Physical Handicaps/Family Dynamics/Societal Influences
Too short of a list.... I think that life is more complex than this,,
Antithetical Scheme of Aperception
......Sound like the concept of group consciousness (or lack thereof).....Some people also make a career of this (ie. Yuppies/Buppies etc.)....
"Symptoms..."Smoke covering the fire of inferiority....very nice....is that yours?....I like the imagery
Uses symptoms like a crutch
...on the East coast we refer to this as playing the "Mental Health Game"......manipulating others by fiegning symptoms......also a cottage industry with some people...
Counsel Vs Psychotherapy
...Honestly don't see a big difference here....does this refer to the degree of the presenting problem or its nature/type?...short term/long term?.....HMO or Traditional coverage?
Best Self
Liek it .....be all you can be.....like stuff that uses the individual as the point of reference.....personal best etc.....
Read the twelve stages
private logic > common sense.....like it.....
"Spitting in the Soup"
Like it.....looks like Adler had a sense of humor..... I get the picture of this older stoic Vienese gentleman speaking with a dialect "Like Spitzen en da Zoup"
Missing Experience
Needs clarification.....I don't really grasp what is being said here....
Go for the Ideal not the average/normal
like it.....extends the therapy into the philosophical/theological arens.....sounds a lot like Kierfegarrd's concept of the ashthetic/religious levels of existence.... I am going to reference the philosophical/mathmatical/and musical references that I fused during my analysis of this article
Husserel/Hiediger/Brahams/Handel/Blind Faith (rock)/Elvis Costello/Kant/Descart/Socrates/Aristotle/Sartre/Ayer/Euclidian and Eliptical Geometry/Logic/algebra/Rolling Stones/Beatles/REM/Kierkegarrd/Weber/Emile Durkhiem/Piaget/the Olympics/Luwin(Curt)/R>D> Laing "THe Divided Self"/Catholicism/Christianity/Hopi and Suni Indians/Souix/Chief Joeseph.....I guess thats it....Oh and of course ....Edward senior and Dorothy my parents....and my crazy Uncle Tom....Oh, and my very underated Aunt Grace
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