We are happy to announce a special issue of psychobabble baloney!, which will be in collaboration with dilettante quacks. The Co-Editors on this project are Drs. Willem Wilhelm-Webowitz, director of the theatre of the absurd school of psychotherapy and Fredrick Toonces, Editor of Kool Kats of psychotherapy today. Call for manuscripts: Psychobabble!, ejournal for Psychobabble-manip-o-matic Therapy, will be producing a special issue devoted to miracle cures, patent medicine and other questionable medical devices, such as the e-meter. Appropriate manuscripts would discuss various vegetative states, lobotomies, stupidities, new religions cooked up last century and last week and practices in clinical emotional castration, especially from a quack theoretical perspective, or they might discuss the way the star ship enterprise is a dynamic in the development and practice of monetary extraction from clients. They might profile a program in which sex manipulation of clients has a main platform. They might share poetry, 55 minutes on the couch, manipulation, brainwashing, whatever! They might applaud fellow quacks, sharing the ways in which shrinks display their shrunken heads on their office walls and during their conferences in which we attend to impress our fellow quack fool dilettantes manifesting in mutual understanding. Students are encouraged to come for the manipulation and indoctrination. Those interested in having sex with therapists please contact the orgy department to "explore" the possibilities. Psychobabble! is a reviewed journal, which means that manuscripts will be examined by many quacks not employed by anyone but their clients they mess with, for input and suggestions regarding appropriateness for publication of said baloney (interested authors are encouraged to consult the blarneystone) to find guidelines, mission, and other information relevant to the journal; it can be found at http://www.blarneystone.ireland.phoneybaloney.net). The publishing process is made more rapid by the fact that all manuscripts, review processes, editing, and final publication are accomplished by Siberian monkeys. Psychobabble! has two more publications this year, and we intend to accomplish the baloney. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Fredrick Toonces.
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