Dear Mr. Goff, I read with interest and amazement the article you wrote about the massacre of innocent people on September 11, 2001. I have heard other people talk who have similar opinions and I tend to think that kind of thinking would cause a person to feel very miserable. I'm wondering why you picked the Classical Adlerian Forum as a means to purge yourself of the ideas you have about the American government's debauchery(?) In your article you mentioned the OKC bombing. I was six blocks from the explosion in OKC on 4/19/95 and I was involved in the aftermath counseling of people affected by that man-made disaster. I remember at first the media was saying foreign terrorists were responsible for the OKC bombing and it turned out to be disgruntled Americans. So, when the 9/11/01 planes were hijacked I was hoping it was not an American who was responsible. I was in New York visiting relatives earlier this month and my brother-in-law; who has military experience in his background, said he will stand by the United States no matter what happens. You seem to have strong convictions and thankfully we live in a nation that allows us to voice our Sincerely, Carol Kerr
ideas and opinions.
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